Storing Photovoltaic Solar Energy

To store photovoltaic solar energy, you would typically use a battery storage system. These systems enable you to store the excess energy generated by your solar panels for future use. The most common types of batteries used for storing solar energy are lithium-ion, lead-acid, and flow batteries. When you install a grid-tied solar system, the power grid acts as an immense source of energy storage, and the solar battery bank serves as a replacement for the grid in the case of off-grid solar systems.

In addition to battery storage, solar energy can also be stored in other ways, such as mechanical storage, thermal storage, and pumped hydropower. However, batteries are the most common storage method for residential photovoltaic (PV) solar systems.

Using a home-energy storage system can help reduce your electricity usage from the grid, lower your energy bills, and increase your independence from rising electricity prices. If your home is off-grid, it can help reduce your reliance on fossil fuel backup generators.