How to Apply for Solar Panel Grants and Incentives in the UK

How to Apply for Solar Panel Grants and Incentives in the UK

The transition to renewable energy sources is a vital component of combating climate change, and one of the most accessible options for the average homeowner is the installation of solar panels. While the upfront cost of solar panels can be a deterrent, various grants and incentives in the United Kingdom can help offset these expenses.

From government-backed schemes to local initiatives, many options exist to financially assist those interested in harnessing the sun’s power. These incentives can come in direct grants, tax rebates, or Feed-in Tariffs that pay you for the excess energy you produce.

Understanding the application process, eligibility criteria and the different incentives available is essential for anyone considering this eco-friendly investment.

This guide aims to demystify the process and provide a comprehensive overview of how to navigate applying for solar panel grants and incentives in the UK.

Government-Backed Schemes: Your Main Avenue

The United Kingdom has made several strides in promoting renewable energy through government-backed financial schemes to facilitate solar panel installation. One of the key incentives is the Smart Export Guarantee (SEG), which allows homeowners to sell excess electricity back to the grid1.

Eligibility Criteria for SEG

You must meet specific criteria to be eligible for the Smart Export Guarantee. Most importantly, an accredited installer must install the solar panel system. The system must also be under a specific capacity, typically up to 5MW, and meet various safety and energy efficiency standards2.

How to Apply for SEG

The application process for the Smart Export Guarantee is relatively straightforward. You’ll need to choose an SEG licensee (essentially an energy supplier participating in the program) who will guide you through the application steps, including submitting necessary documents and certifications. After approval, you can earn money by feeding excess electricity back to the grid3.

Local and Regional Initiatives: The Hidden Gems

While national programs draw the most attention, local councils, and organizations also offer grants and incentives. These can be easier to qualify for and may provide other benefits, such as free energy audits or discounted installation fees4.

Finding Local Grants

Local grants and incentives can be found by contacting your local council or searching dedicated databases listing such schemes. Often, these are not as widely advertised, so you may need to take the initiative to search for them5.

Applying for Local Grants

Local grants may have their unique application procedures and requirements. Reading all the guidelines carefully is crucial to ensure you’re eligible. The process often involves submitting an application form, providing proof of residence, and sometimes an energy audit of your property6.

Tax Incentives: More Than Just Grants

In addition to grants, there are also tax incentives for installing solar panels. The reduced VAT rate for installing energy-saving products, including solar panels, can represent a significant cost saving7.

Eligibility and Application

Homeowners can avail themselves of the reduced VAT rate; you don’t necessarily need to meet stringent criteria. The process is straightforward as well. Most accredited installers will include the reduced VAT rate in their quotations automatically8.

Other Tax Benefits

Beyond VAT, additional tax benefits, such as allowances or deductions, might be added depending on your circumstances. It’s advisable to consult a tax advisor to understand how you can benefit from these incentives fully9.

Long-Term Benefits: Feed-in Tariffs and More

Although the UK’s Feed-in Tariff scheme closed for new applicants in 2019, those who were part of it continue to reap the benefits. They receive payments for generating and exporting electricity, providing a long-term income stream10.

The Legacy of Feed-in Tariffs

Suppose you were lucky enough to get into the Feed-in Tariff scheme. In that case, maintaining your eligibility means keeping your installation up to standard and periodically submitting meter readings to continue receiving payments11.

Long-term Savings

Regardless of which grants or incentives you can utilize, the long-term benefits of solar panels shouldn’t be overlooked. Reducing your electricity bills and contributing to environmental sustainability are gains beyond immediate financial returns12.

Seize the Solar Opportunity Now

Having a clear understanding of the various grants and incentives available for solar panel installation in the UK is half the battle. The other half is taking action. Initiatives like the Smart Export Guarantee (SEG) offer homeowners a way to offset initial costs and a long-term revenue stream by selling excess energy1.

Similarly, local grants and reduced VAT rates are financial catalysts that make the shift to renewable energy both affordable and profitable in the long run4,7.

Now is the time to seize these opportunities. Start by contacting certified installers to get a quote for your solar panel system. Use this information to evaluate which grants and incentives you can apply for—through the government, local council, or even tax incentives.

Since some of these programs have deadlines or may run out of funding, delaying your decision might mean missing out on valuable financial benefits. Don’t just think of this as an investment in your home; it’s an investment in a more sustainable future for everyone12.

By taking the steps outlined in this guide, you’re setting yourself up for long-term savings on your energy bills and contributing to global efforts to mitigate climate change. Solar panels are more than just a way to save money—they represent your commitment to a greener, more sustainable future. Make the change today and be part of the solution.


Harness the Sun, and Reap the Rewards. Transitioning to solar energy is not merely a path to a more sustainable lifestyle; it is also an economically smart choice, thanks to the various grants and incentives available in the UK. From government-backed schemes like the Smart Export Guarantee to local council grants and tax incentives, multiple avenues exist to offset the initial installation costs and even generate income over the long term.

The key takeaway is to act now. These programs are financially advantageous and have broader societal implications in the fight against climate change and energy inefficiency.

Therefore, as a homeowner, your first step is to research and find accredited installers. Assess your eligibility for the various programs, ranging from national to local initiatives, and understand the application procedures and deadlines involved.

This way, you can make an informed decision and maximize the economic benefits while contributing to global efforts for a more sustainable future. Above all, remember that the immeasurable benefits of leading a more eco-friendly lifestyle and lessening your carbon footprint are beyond the economic gains.


  1. “Smart Export Guarantee (SEG),” Ofgem, Retrieved from
  2. “Smart Export Guarantee: Eligibility and Standards,” Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy, Retrieved from
  3. “How to Apply for the Smart Export Guarantee,” Solar Trade Association, Retrieved from
  4. “Local Renewable Energy Incentives,” Renewable Energy Hub, Retrieved from
  5. “Finding Local Grants for Solar Panels,” Energy Saving Trust, Retrieved from
  6. “How to Apply for Local Grants,” Citizens Advice, Retrieved from
  7. “Reduced VAT rate for Energy-Saving Materials,” HM Revenue & Customs, Retrieved from
  8. “VAT relief for energy-saving materials,” Which?, Retrieved from
  9. “Tax Incentives for Renewable Energy,” Accounting Web, Retrieved from
  10. “Feed-in Tariffs: get money for generating your own electricity,” Ofgem, Retrieved from
  11. “Maintaining your Feed-in Tariff Scheme,” Ofgem, Retrieved from
  12. “Long-term Benefits of Solar Panels,” Energy Saving Trust, Retrieved from

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